Free WordPress Theme
FaceBlog is a clean & well designed blogging theme focuses on the most important thing from a blog, the content specially target for bloggers, photographers, journalists, and anyone who like clean, elegant & responsive design.
Installing Theme via wordpress interface
Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes
Click on 'Add New'
Search for the 'faceblog' Theme.
Click on 'install' and activate the theme.
Installing Theme Offline
Download a Copy of FaceBlogTheme from Wordpress/Mysetry Themes
You'll get 'faceblog.zip' file save it in your storage.
Go to Dashboard > Themes > Click on 'Add New'
Click on 'Upload Theme'.
Browse for the theme you've have downloaded.
Click on 'install'
And Activate the theme
Change Site-title & Description
- Click on General setting > Site Identity in customizer
- Change the text of field below site title
- Change the text of tag line for site description
- Click on saved button on top of customizer for saving changes.
Uploading a Favicon
- Click on General setting > Site Identity in customizer.
- Click on Change File button.
- Select favicon from media library or upload a favicon
- Click on select button.
- Click on skip cropping button and saved it.
Uploading a Logo
- Click on General setting > Site Logo in customizer.
- Click on Add New Image
- Select logo from media library or upload a logo
- Click on select and crop button.
- Click on skip cropping button and saved it.
About Faceblog Section
- Go to Customize > FrontPage Settings > About Faceblog Section
- Add/edit section description/info as you linke under "About Us Content".
- Add/edit text for section link like "MysteryThemes".
- Also you can edit/add link url under "About link url".
- Click on saved button on top of customizer for saving changes.

We have option to changed theme color.
Background Color
- This color will show if your website is in boxed layout.
- Go to Customize > Design Settings > Colors
- Chagned the color under "Background Color".
- Click on saved button on top of customizer for saving changes.
Theme Color
- This color for theme template.
- Go to Customize > Design Settings > Colors
- Chagned the color under "Theme Color".
- Click on saved button on top of customizer for saving changes.
Archive Section
Archive sidebars
- Go to Customize > Design Settings > Archive section
- Choose sidebar from images
- Click on saved button on top of customizer for saving changes.
Custom Css
- Click on Design setting > Custom Design in customizer.
- write css code inside custom css box as per required design edits.
- Click on saved button on top of customizer for saving changes.