To enable the About Section follow the steps:
- First of all, make a post in admin panel.
- Add Post Title, Excerpt/Content and feature Image for about section in post field.
- Make a category ‘about’.
- Choose about category for specific post & save it.
- Click on Homepage setting > About/Testimonial
- Choose enable or disable to show/hide the about/testimonial section.
- Select category ‘about’ form dropdown option.
- Add post read more button in the box.
- Then, click on the Publish button.
To enable the Testimonial Section follow the steps:
- First of all, make a post in admin panel.
- Add Post Title, Excerpt/Content and feature Image for about section in post field.
- Make a category ‘testimonial’
- choose testimonial category for specific post & save it.
- Click on Homepage setting > About/Testimonial.
- Add testimonial section title in text field.
- Select category ‘testimonial’ form dropdown option.
- Choose Left/Right option to flip the About us section with Testimonials section.
- Then, click on the Publish button.