WP Diary

Creative Minimal Blogging WordPress Theme

WP Diary Pro Version Update 1.18: What’s new?

The pro version of WP Diary brings a lot of new changes to its latest version update. The update contains lots of new feature additions and changes for more intriguing customizations on your site. Furthermore, the aim of this update is to create new experiences for both users and their visitors.

List of Update for WP Diary Pro 1.18

  1. Background Animation
  2. Primary Menu Color Options
  3. Front Page Post styles
  4. Archive Page Post Styles
  5. Additional Widget Style
  6. New Layouts for Sidebar Widgets
  7. Social Icon Colors

New Background Animations

WP Diary has one of the simple yet best features for blog-based themes. With background animations enabled, you can now expect more engagements by viewers or readers due to stunning visual graphics continuously running in the background.

And if you’re worried about the site getting slow due to this visual media, you don’t have to worry. The animation given is fully optimized, and there are little to no chances of it affecting your site’s speed.

To turn it on,

  • Go to your WordPress Dashboard and head to Appearance > Customize.
  • Then head to General Settings, then to Site Settings.
  • Toggle on the Enable Background Animation at the second-to-last option of the given section.
  • Check and review the changes in the live preview of the theme.

Primary Menu Color Options

With version 1.18, you can specifically customize the colors for your primary menu on your site. This will help you add more personalization to your site, as the primary menu is one of the most important sections of any site, both navigationally and visually.

What’s more is that you can add different colors for the primary menu, its background, and on hover.

To do so,

  • Login to your WordPress Dashboard, then go to Appearance > Customize.
  • Navigate to General Settings > Colors in the customizer.
  • Afterwards, toggle on the Enable Primary Menu Color Settings from the customizer.
  • Choose the color for the primary menu, its background, and the color to appear on hover at the circular palette on the right side of the customizer.
  • Review the changes from the live preview of the site.

Front Page Post Styles

In the new version of WP Diary Pro, you now have different styles for the posts that display on the front page of the site.

To change front page post style,

  • Go to your frontpage settings in the theme customizer, then look for Layout Settings.
  • Scroll down to the front-page post-style drop-down menu from the customizer.
  • Choose one of the options in the given menu to make changes to your post styles.

Archive Page Post Styles

This section also has a similar update to the front page post styles.

To change archive page post style

  • Navigate Design Settings in the theme customizer and then go to Archive settings.
  • Head to Archive Page Post Style and choose from the given options in the drop-down menu.
  • Review the changes to the page in the live preview.

Additional Widget Style

Previously, there were only three widget styles for the sidebar in WP Diary Pro. But with the latest update, the users now have additional styles to display in their sidebar widget section.

For that,

  • Go to Additional settings in the customizer.
  • Look for the Sidebar Widget option in the customizer.
  • Check for the style at the bottom, which is the new addition in the section.

Version 1.18 has new layouts for the legacy widgets of WP Diary Pro. The layout appears on two different widgets, MT Latest Post and MT Author Info.

To change Widgets Layouts,

  • Look for widget settings in the theme customizer.
  • Edit the widget if you already have added MT Latest Post or MT Author Info, and go to the Select Author Box Layout option.
  • If the widgets are yet to be added, click on +Add New Widgets and add the mentioned widgets.

Social Icon Colors

Now, you can add your own colors to your social icons. What this will do is that it will reflect your brands identity to your visitors, which will ultimately help you get more conversions like newsletter subscriptions, etc.

To change your Social Icon’s color,

  • Go to Additional Features and to Social Icons.
  • Look for the drop-down menu at the top of the customizer and set it to Default Color.
  • This will extract the default color that you’ve set on your site from the social icons.
  • Choosing the official color option will provide you with the official colors of those social platforms.

These updated features will sure be a focal point for your visitors to experience new designs and layouts. Furthermore, all these features are also properly optimized for the search engine and speed. So, you sure will be facing no more difficulties in that context.