StoreFlex Pro: What are the Features?

StoreFlex Pro reflects the totality of what this theme can do. With the help of StoreFlex Pro, you can professionally customize your online store and dig out personalization to the highest level.

After unlocking the premium version of StoreFlex, you’ll have various options to customize your sites to a deeper level, enhancing the design and features of the website or online store. There are a few adjustments to the customizers, and more sections have also been added.

StoreFlex Pro Introduction

Let’s look at some of the notable features of StoreFlex Pro:

General Settings


There are now more options for the Default Style Preloaders in StoreFlex Pro. This will help you provide more creative options for your website.

Learn more about the preloaders in StoreFlex Pro.

Social Icons

There are now additional customization options for your social icons. You can now customize your social icons on a deeper level for higher customer engagement.

Learn more about the social icons’ customization


Customization of the fonts is now more advanced with StoreFlex Pro.

Learn more about Typography customizations.

Scroll Top

There are now more customization options available for Scroll Top, including alignments, types of scroll top, and many more!

Learn more about Scroll Top

Header Settings

Main Header Area

There are now more layout options and design options available for the main header area of your website.

Learn about customizations of Main Header Area

Front Page Settings

Sortable Banner Settings

Now, you can sort your banner by just dragging. You can either put your slider or your featured post in front of your website with this setting.

Fullwidth Sections

Now, you can add multiple blocks to the full-width section of your website.

Middle Content Sections

StoreFlex has a middle section feature in its pro version. In this section, you can add more product blocks in order to enhance your online store.

Learn more about the Middle Content sections in StoreFlex Pro.

Inner Pages Settings

Post Settings

You now have more layout and configuration options for your pages (archive, single post, and 404 pages). You can now bring out more feature enhancements in your posts and pages with these customization options.

Learn more about the Post Settings customizations in StoreFlex Pro

WooCommerce Settings

The WooCommerce settings option now has an additional option where you can customize layouts for single products and more.

Learn more about the WooCommerce settings in StoreFlex Pro.

Footer Settings

Testimonial Settings

Testimonial in StoreFlex now has more layout options for you to choose as per your preference. And there are also no limitations on the number of testimonials you would like to add.

Learn more about the new features of testimonial sections.

Footer Site Info Settings

There are layout options for your Footer Site Info, which will help you relay information as per your preferred design.